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Magnetic T206 / Allen Ginter with Sleeve

As low as $2.40 each at

Introducing our first, vintage magnetic card holder for the T206 and Allen Ginter Cards! It features a custom fit penny sleve to hold the tracking card inside our hard plastic holder.

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Our magnetic card holders feature the strongest magnets on the market and the holder will not pop open easily if dropped.

This holder provides 5 years+ of UV protection to prevent the card and autograph from fading, and Pro-Mold magnetic holders are the only ones that have UV certification.

Aliases: One Touch Magnetic Penny Sleeve, T206, Allen & Ginter

Item Name Typical Card holder is used for Inside Dimensions (Where card fits) Outside Dimensions UV Protection
MH206SA T206 / Allen Ginter with Sleeve w/Arrowhead Corners up to 24 Point .320 by 2.925 by 4.345 (inches) 5 Years+

Question: Why was this holder designed to fit a penny sleeve?

Different T206 cards vary a lot in size, so the sleeve keeps the smaller version of the T206's from moving around in the holder and possibly getting damaged.

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